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Stryker's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Stryker's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

We are getting out of my realm of efficiency, but that's okay. I'm for a flat tax, against minimum wage, against government run healthcare, pro-guns, against mass immigration, and against anti-discrimination laws.

Did any of those hit?

3 points

Awwww!!! I knew that early morning trip to our favorite truck stop bathroom wasn't a waste. ;D

1 point

Do you believe there is evidence supporting any supernatural claims? Do you reject evolution?

1 point

The death penalty is inefficient until we can lower it's cost to below of that of a life sentence in prison. If you are asking if the death penalty is moral, I would answer it is if the person was guilty. I'm not comfortable with the current standard of evidence required to propose the death penalty.

1 point

I think that at the point a fetus is considered human, aborting the fetus should be illegal. I believe I have a strong rebuttal to the bodily rights argument.

1 point

Can I nominate myself? I nominate myself.

1 point

I don't think the government should recognize marriage at all, but if they choose to it must be equally distributed among all people. Do you disagree?

1 point

Sure, how to we go about picking a topic?

1 point

I haven't seen any real challenge debates happen since I've joined, but Dana starts the most if that counts.

1 point

Pick me! Inanimate objects do not require consent, legalize necrophilia!

Message me if you would like to learn how to forever exists completing Final States for our Onew Ruazenith.

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