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CreateDebate Snappy Awards

Frenchieak's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Frenchieak's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

We don't need the admins. It might work just as well if we do this ourselves.

We just need to be organized. Maybe have a real popularity contest for each category, and someone could nominate someone else, and whoever gets the most votes wins. There might be some kinks to work out, so let's think. Together. :)

Of course, if the admins do take interest, we could always use their help. ;)

Click, click, clickety-click, click...

There, that should've helped. ;)

You guys do have some good ads on this site, though. It's really turned me on to Clutch Tees.

Click people, click!!! It's just a couple seconds out of your day, and you obviously support the site. Just click.

That's actually a good idea...

If there was like a section for awards, medals, and stuff for a popular debate/argument, that would be cool!

As long as that didn't become the point of the site.

I don't see how this could be done really, without becoming unfair or outrageously expensive. What are some ideas? "Awards" is a general term, that could mean anything from, say, points, to a material object.

I did win a contest for the February 'Mental Stimulus Package,' two sets of books for the most debate views and another for the highest debate score. I don't know if this is the kind of thing you're talking about, so I would invite you to be more specific... :\

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