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Imrigone's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Imrigone's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

This comment just caused me to envision Muttly walking around a cartoon landscape, minding his own business, only to be assailed by a stream of curse words coming out of nowhere. Later he finds some way to blame the incident on Liberals.

3 points

Well, you earned it by being an intellectual Swiss army knife of awesome.

6 points

My personal most missed vote goes to Zombee.

Reason: Extremely intelligent and direct. What happened to her?

7 points

Most versatile:


Reason: Skill and agility with a very wide range of topics. Mixing from humor to logic to common sense.

1 point

Good call. Although I have my issues with him, his heart for debate cannot be denied, and he always has something unique and interesting to say.

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