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Apolline's Reward Points: 197

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should Michael Cohen get a book deal?
1 Added Argument Brilliant. Bronto Tries To Use Socialist Food Stamp Program As A Defence Of Capitalism
1 Created Debate Liberal feminist lesbian condemns transgenderism
3 Created Debate Nom sure does say things Mussolini, the father of fascism said
1 Added Argument Patriotism is a mental disorder: Change my mind
2 Added Argument Something retarded about capitalism
2 Created Debate What's the difference between Jeremy Corbyn and Adolf Hitler?
1 Added Argument If Hitler had NOT failed art school - he never would have discovered his gift.
1 Added Argument Is the Constitution a liberal document?
1 Added Argument Are Republicans lining up behind Trumps National Security Declaration?
5 Created Debate What would Marxists believe without Marx to tell them what to believe?
1 Added Argument The Far Right Accusing The Left Of Anti-Semitism? Lol. Wtf?
1 Added Argument right wingers love when people are offended...other than christians and right wingers
1 Added Argument Nazis are right wing part one
1 Added Argument Socialism is meritocratic, capitalism is crap
1 Added Argument If china is communist, the US must be super communist.
1 Added Argument How can the left be the side of "feelings" when you jizz at the sight of your flag?
1 Added Argument Attacking Christianity is a great way for the left to lose minority support
5 Created Debate Attacking Christianity is a great way for the left to lose minority support
1 Added Argument Trump is NUTS! You KNOW that, right?
1 Added Argument If YOU were president, would you FIRE the LYING intelligence chiefs, or snivel about them?
1 Added Argument As always on this site, christians are retarded
1 Created Debate Libs build a wall to prevent baby migrants from crossing the vagina
0 Created Debate When libs trash MAGA they mean America isn't and was never great
4 Created Debate Is it evil to intentionally destroy bird eggs in a nest?
1 Added Argument Conservatives hate freedom, except the freedom to lie, shoot, and exploit
1 Added Argument There's no economic freedom when all the land and resources are already owned
1 Added Argument Nancy STARTED the State of the Union fight with Trump, and WON it..
1 Added Argument If Trump needs $20 billion for the wall, why not ask for all of it NOW?
1 Added Argument Would you accept amnesty for a completed wall?
1 Added Argument Mr Everyman IS being hurt by the shutdown.. I thought Trump LOVED the little guy. No, huh?
3 Added Argument Spain Has No Government For 10 Months - Economy Grows, Unemployment Falls To 18.
1 Added Argument Who knows more about economics and business, a billionaire or Bernie Sanders?
9 Added Argument Is there any difference between the far left and the far right
1 Added Argument Is there any difference between severe stupidity and mental illness?
5 Created Debate Is there any difference between the far left and the far right
1 Added Argument Is Ocasio-Cortez SMARTER than Trump?
2 Created Debate It took Democrats no time to destroy MLK's work
1 Added Argument Rich People Are Better Than Poor People
5 Created Debate Who knows more about economics and business, a billionaire or Bernie Sanders?
3 Added Argument Right wing propaganda is psychologically injurious to the weak minded
1 Added Argument I was born into wealth and did not earn it
1 Created Debate Surprise. The libs try to slander another conservative
1 Created Debate Trump signs bills lifting pharmacist 'gag clauses' on drug prices
1 Added Argument A gun ban supporting woman is like a chicken rooting for Colonel Sanders
1 Added Argument If I GAVE you some diamonds that I TOLD you were stolen, are you GUILTY of a crime?
1 Added Argument Pence said that ISIS had been defeated WHILE 4 Americans were being KILLED by ISIS. DUDE!

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