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Apollo's Reward Points: 1590

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument If the big bang happened...
1 Added Argument How do you explain the high degree of design and order in the universe if there
-1 Downvoted Argument if you found a thousand dollars would you keep it
2 Added Argument Right-Wing Fascism: Abortion in Cases of Rape
5 Created Debate Right-Wing Fascism: Abortion in Cases of Rape
-1 Downvoted Argument if you found a thousand dollars would you keep it
1 Added Argument why do people still believe in christianity?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is it something about me that is wrong
2 Added Argument They Wanna Put Y'all Back in Chains ~Joe Biden, 8/2012
4 Added Argument if you found a thousand dollars would you keep it
2 Added Argument 9/11 Conspiracy
2 Added Argument Why does religion still have a place in the 21st Century?
1 Added Argument What do you look like??
1 Added Argument Hellno's Corner: Should Pornography be banned?
-1 Downvoted Argument The Greatest Leader in History.
2 Added Argument 74% of Americans Support Voter ID Laws: Do You?
-1 Downvoted Argument United Kingdom VS France
1 Added Argument Is it America's fault they have so many liberals?
-1 Downvoted Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Saurbaby08
1 Added Argument Is ams Liechtenstein da REAL DEAL?
-1 Downvoted Argument Just an observation about the difference between Conservatives and Liberals
1 Added Argument If billions of people simultaneously believe in something does it exist?
1 Added Argument Just an observation about the difference between Conservatives and Liberals
1 Added Argument Saurbaby & Hellno Present: joe_cavalry/20K ;)
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Saurbaby08
1 Added Argument Vote for the Apollo-Nummi2 Administration for CD Presidency!
2 Added Argument Vote for the Apollo-Nummi2 Administration for CD Presidency!
1 High Rated Argument Banning a theist from using scripture in a debate is unfair
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Silaswash
2 Added Argument If God asked you to sacrifice your own child, would you do it?
2 Added Argument Banning a theist from using scripture in a debate is unfair
1 Added Argument A new candidate has entered the presidential race!
2 Added Argument Is this Proof of a God?
1 Added Argument Were the olympics awesome or what?!?!?! :D
5 Created Debate The Greatest Composer in History.
5 Added Argument Evolution is a lie
2 Added Argument Final London Summer Olympic Metal Count... Any Thoughts?
1 Added Argument Romney Announces Paul Ryan as His VP Pick: Will He Be Able to Win With This Ticket?
4 Added Argument Is GOD Real?
1 Added Argument Nihilism
1 Added Argument Is Obama is the worst president the USA ever had?
1 Added Argument Who is what gender?
1 Added Argument Do atheists and the nature of atheists prove the existence of the Christian God?
5 Created Debate The Greatest Philosopher in History.
1 Added Argument Abortion
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Hellno2012
4 Added Argument The Greatest Leader in History.
1 Added Argument Chick-fil-A boycott

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