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DineshDsouza's Reward Points: 30

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument I'm NOT a furloughed employee, so the shutdown doesn't affect me. We should KEEP it going
1 Created Debate Democratic lawmakers are beginning to crack on their opposition to the wall.
1 Created Debate Liberals happily tolerate conservativism unless it's Republicans practicing it
1 Added Argument I dunno bout you, but EVERY time I SEE Trump, all I SEE is that mop on his head. You?
1 Added Argument WHO shut down the government???? WHO needs to cave?
1 Added Argument Mexico lets ANY American into their country WITHOUT being vetted. What's WRONG with them?
2 Added Argument Will you be able to drive your car after self driving cars take over?
1 Added Argument Is Attorney General Bob Barr gonna interfere with the Mueller probe?
2 Added Argument As a committed liberal, I would NOT oppose a wall that Mexico PAYS for. Would you?
1 Created Debate 30 Democrats in Puerto Rico with 109 lobbyists for weekend despite shutdown
1 Added Argument Everybody who likes Trump isn't a Nazi, but everybody who's a Nazi sure does.
1 Added Argument How could Obama have been so celebrated while Trump is so reviled?

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