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Iulmi's Reward Points: 252

Points When What Where
3 Added Argument Are we alone in the Universe?
1 Added Argument The reason why feminists are so bitchy.
1 Added Argument Is Modern Feminism needed?
1 Added Argument Teaching evolution to our kids is Government establishing a secular humanist religion.
1 Added Argument Are people in the United States people in the United States?
-1 Downvoted Argument How To Explain Gay Marriage to Children?
5 Created Debate WHO says processed and red meats could increase the risk of several cancers.
1 Added Argument Is clicking a computer mouse the meaning of life?
1 Added Argument Our Goverment has been taken over by extremists who have established a secular state.
1 Added Argument Debating with troll's
5 Added Argument Freedom to choose a school prayer, BAD! Gay awareness in schools, GOOD! UNBELIEVABLE!
0 Downvoted Argument Can you get my efficiency to 0%?
2 Added Argument How To Explain Gay Marriage to Children?
0 Added Argument You are all just jealous of my fame and points. :)
5 Created Debate Do you trust the police?
1 Added Argument When will the world end?
0 Added Argument Clinton or Trump
1 Added Argument Should we buy a cat or a dog?
0 Added Argument End discrimination against zoosexual's
1 Added Argument Women should have the right to wear hijab throughout the world
1 Added Argument Is there a point in having the queen/king?
3 Added Argument Why is science SO anti-religious?
1 Added Argument Why do people feel entitled to their money?
1 Added Argument What's your passion?
3 Added Argument Male ego cannot tolerate successful woman>
1 Added Argument Love can solve ALL problems
5 Added Argument What do you think about Spain?
5 Created Debate What do you think about Spain?
2 Added Argument The 'you are obsessed with points' accusation is hereby moot.
3 Added Argument How is our view of sexual orientation generated?
1 Added Argument Do your views alter between region and culture?
1 Added Argument Why the point system is good for the site.
1 Added Argument Chinese Animal Cruelty?
1 Added Argument how to stab a Jew ??
-1 Downvoted Argument Single-sex schools are the route to better education.
1 Added Argument Obama: We leave Iraq with "heads held high"
0 Added Argument PRODIGEE IS BACK!!!
-1 Downvoted Argument [PROOF] Men and Women Aren't Equal....
2 Added Argument Put your favorite sad/happy songs here!
2 Added Argument Put your favorite sad/happy songs here!
5 Created Debate Put your favorite sad/happy songs here!
-1 Downvoted Argument Democrat debate, a contest to see who could buy the most votes with our money!
1 Added Argument Is there a persecution of Christians internationally?
1 Added Argument Kindliches Wohlbefinden
-1 Downvoted Argument Should a parent who plans on spanking their child be allowed to have foster children?
1 Added Argument Truly we observe the nature of points...
0 Added Argument What is a dong?
5 Created Debate Have you ever studied a bit (or a much) of philosophy? And did you like it?

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