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Jace's Reward Points: 5211

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument If we wanted a country that got along, we'd pass laws that most people support.
1 Added Argument Why are people so intolerant of other people’s gender or sexual identity?
2 Added Argument Trans men/women are NOT real men/women!
1 Added Argument How long do the proponents for remaining in Afghanistan feel we should stay?
1 Added Argument Should the unvaxed who cause death by infection to others be charged with murder
1 Added Argument Should the unvaxed who cause death by infection to others be charged with murder
-1 Downvoted Argument Should the unvaxed who cause death by infection to others be charged with murder
2 Added Argument Right wingers say YOUR body, your choice - except for abortions??
1 Added Argument If the left helps create a virus, am I obligated to mask up for their stupidity?
1 Added Argument How do you react when in a public place you see someone unmasked?
2 Added Argument If u didn't mask up when 80,000 people died of flu in 2018, are you a hypocrite?
1 Added Argument Should the 'unvaxed' be left to die of covid-19 in specially insulated quarantine cells?
2 Added Argument Is this an opportunity for the santimonious to display feigned humanitarianism?
1 Added Argument Can anyone explain why & for what did over 3000 young Americans die in Afghanist
1 Added Argument If minorities get the vaccine the least, who is hurt by mandated vaccines
1 Added Argument If Obama can have a maskless party, can I go maskless to Wal-mart?
1 Added Argument Would you have been with the armed white Christian men at the Boston Tea Party?
5 Added Argument Who's gonna be around in 2022, the UNVACCINATED party or the VACCINATED party?
0 Added Argument Where are the BLM protests at the 45 people shot in CHICAGO in the past 24 hours
1 Added Argument Why does the human race have such a strong 'death wish' instinct?
1 Added Argument Why does the human race have such a strong 'death wish' instinct?
1 Added Argument Most couples with children are Conservative. Why?
1 Added Argument Does the left care about racism, or is it just a political weapon?
1 Added Argument Why don't you stop driving seeing it might save a life?
1 Added Argument Stimulus
-1 Downvoted Argument Do black people DEMONSTRATE on REAL issues, or because they wanna grab some Jordans?
1 Added Argument What does Freedom mean?
1 Added Argument What's going on here?
0 Added Argument Why Why Why isn't music this good anymore?
1 Added Argument Hate or don't hate - THAT is the question
2 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
5 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
1 Added Argument Ancient Athens
1 Added Argument Online Therapy: An ethical treatment modality?
1 Added Argument Marching With Symbols of Hate?
1 Added Argument Globalism
1 Added Argument Globalism
1 Added Argument If you flee a blue state for a red state, shouldn't you vote red?
1 Added Argument When the government says lockdown & you do, you aren't the resistence
1 Added Argument Left is proud to give black female sports scholarships to those born as white males
2 Added Argument If the left are the resistence, why do they hate the capitol being stormed
2 Added Argument The agnostic is the most rational stance to hold. Is the agnostic stance most logical?
5 Added Argument Drugs are the greatest US killer. Drugs are worse in the US than anywhere else.
1 Added Argument DC Capital Police shot and killed one of the rioters. Was it a lawful shoot?
1 Added Argument DC Capital Police shot and killed one of the rioters. Was it a lawful shoot?
-1 Downvoted Argument Survey of principles
10 Added Argument Survey of principles
0 Added Argument Is the Retarded Hillbilly Clown Army about to be wiped out?

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