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LoveStargirl's Reward Points: 496

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Do you like Justin Bieber?
1 Added Argument What are the benefits and ramifications of terraforming foreign planets?
1 Created Debate Should charter school's funds be cut even more? Why or why not?
1 Added Argument So I have restarted the CreateDebate Blog...
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - ChuckHades
5 Created Debate Is 13 or younger too young to have boyfriends and girlfriends?
1 Added Argument if you were in a hostage situation would you be a hero
1 Added Argument What Is Your Least Favorite Weekday?
1 Added Argument Would you rather have Homeschool or go to School ?
1 Added Argument Are ghosts real?
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Axmeister
5 Created Debate Would you ever vote for a gay man to be president?
5 Created Debate Would you ever vote for a female to be president?
1 Added Argument if you were to die right now what will be the last thing you'll do
2 Added Argument What are you going to be for Halloween?
5 Created Debate What are you going to be for Halloween?
5 Created Debate Justify atheism
2 Added Argument "Pleading insanity/mentally ill"in trials let too many obvious killers and maniacs free.
5 Created Debate "Pleading insanity/mentally ill"in trials let too many obvious killers and maniacs free.
1 Added Argument What are the pros and cons of making a pros and cons list
5 Created Debate Would you buy a peanut butter jelly scented hand sanitizer?
1 Added Argument Will the internet and Ebooks take over, printed books, magazines and newspapers?
1 Added Argument If you had a choice to be normal or to be different from others?
5 Created Debate If you had a choice to be normal or to be different from others?

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