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NateDebate's Reward Points: 66

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Do you take naps?
1 Added Argument How do women deal with the lack of toilet paper in public restrooms?
1 Added Argument Congrats Joe! 30,000 points and counting!
-1 Downvoted Argument Of the deceased musicians who would be the most successful if alive today?
1 Added Argument At what age does it become weird for someone to enjoy a children's show?
1 Added Argument Does evolution violate the 1st amendment?
1 Added Argument How did other religions come to be?
1 Added Argument Evolutionist Nightmare
-1 Downvoted Argument We used to be a what happened???
1 Added Argument We used to be a what happened???
-1 Downvoted Argument Of the deceased musicians who would be the most successful if alive today?
4 Added Argument At what age does it become weird for someone to enjoy a children's show?

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