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Nicephorus's Reward Points: 223

Points When What Where
4 Created Debate You know what you hear from the media here is a lie. Can you accept it?
5 Created Debate Should a private company (Facebook) be given censorship orders by the FBI?
1 Created Debate Libs can ignore sniffing kids and human trafficking so ignore them when outraged
1 Created Debate Joe Biden under investigation for sex trafficking & other violations of the Cons
2 Added Argument For 6 years, I thought Lady Justice was closing in on Trump. Been wrong every time.
-1 Downvoted Argument For 6 years, I thought Lady Justice was closing in on Trump. Been wrong every time.
1 Added Argument For 6 years, I thought Lady Justice was closing in on Trump. Been wrong every time.
1 Added Argument Does this make sense? keystone PL cancelled,Russian Oil banned, Reseves to China
5 Created Debate Would you trust Joe Biden alone with your 7 year old daughter?
7 Added Argument Does Nazi stand for national socialist workers party or national capitalists?
4 Created Debate Media says Excon's son is a bad person
1 Created Debate The way Fetterman and Biden are being used by the Democratic Party is abhorent

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