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anachronist's Reward Points: 886

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Are Humans Obsessed with Sex?
1 Added Argument Do you smoke cigarettes?
2 Added Argument Do rich people have the obligation to help poor?
1 Added Argument I have noticed some people who can escape the 50 character limit. Should that be allowed?
1 Added Argument Should pedifiles and serial rapists be killed????
1 Added Argument How satisfied are you with your life?
1 Added Argument The solution to the big question: why are we here?
1 Added Argument Does it take more faith to believe or not believe in God?
1 Added Argument Should there be a "White history month"?
2 Added Argument are you against or with abortion
1 Added Argument What makes you happier...Sex or Money?
1 Added Argument 사형제도를 금지해야 한다.

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