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chg9389's Reward Points: 111

Points When What Where
2 Added Argument Rush Limbaugh:The Real Story Of Thanksgiving
1 Added Argument Hillary Clinton: Our Next Secretary of State?
1 Added Argument Blaming your troubles on any form of discrimination is a defeatist's act.
2 Added Argument Do Christians have a right to be offended by this?
2 Added Argument Prop 8/Gay Marriage Question
5 Created Debate Prop 8/Gay Marriage Question
1 Added Argument Why do you vote?
1 Added Argument Sex on the first date?
1 Added Argument So which is the real Obama?
1 Added Argument Should taxpayer dollars be used to bail out a private company?
10 High Rated Argument Was Gov. Sarah Palin the right choice for McCain's VP running mate?
1 Added Argument Was Gov. Sarah Palin the right choice for McCain's VP running mate?
1 High Rated Argument Is there a difference between marriage and civil union?
1 Added Argument Should the US Government bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?
1 Added Argument Do you support the recent Supreme Court decision on gun bans?
1 Added Argument What should I get my Dad for Father's Day?
1 Added Argument Who is going to be the next President of the United States?
1 Added Argument Are you willing to pay $15 to check one piece of luggage?
1 Added Argument Should religious doctrine be required reading in high school?
1 Added Argument A Black Muslim Liberal for President of the U.S.????
1 Added Argument Do you believe in God?
1 Added Argument Would you live on the moon?
5 Added Argument Should same sex couples be allowed to get married?
1 Added Argument Should Hillary Drop Out?
1 Added Argument Should guns be banned in America?
1 Added Argument Should authorities return the children from the Texas Polygamist compound?
3 Added Argument Why are Republicans obsessed with homosexuality?
2 Added Argument Is there a difference between marriage and civil union?
1 Added Argument Is there a difference between marriage and civil union?
2 Added Argument Are better educated people less likely to be religious?
1 Added Argument Are better educated people less likely to be religious?
2 Added Argument Was Jesus supernatural?
2 Added Argument Do you believe in God?
1 Added Argument Are married people happier than single people?
1 Added Argument Is homosexuality morally wrong?
1 Added Argument Which U.S. political party best represents Christian values?
5 Created Debate Why are Republicans obsessed with homosexuality?
8 Added Argument Should be homosexuality considered as a sin?

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