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joecavalry's Reward Points: 40131

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate Should I have someone post a picture of my tombstone on my scial media accounts
1 Added Argument I hate it when a store is jammed packed full of black - brown - red and yellow people
5 Created Debate I hate it when a store is jammed packed full of black - brown - red and yellow people
1 Added Argument Excon changed his symbol to the Communist fist which explains alot
1 Added Argument The reason most men have not slept with 2 women at the same time is because
5 Created Debate The reason most men have not slept with 2 women at the same time is because
1 Added Argument Should you apologize for things you said before political correctness?
1 Added Argument Why is Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech still so impactful?
4 Created Debate Why is Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech still so impactful?
1 Added Argument Law Should Be Equal For Everyone... What do you think?
1 Added Argument What is the big deal with the Jan. 6 handful of trespassers?
1 Added Argument Does the present economic turmoil here herald the disintergation of America?
1 Added Argument What is the big deal with the Jan. 6 handful of trespassers?
4 Created Debate What is the big deal with the Jan. 6 handful of trespassers?
1 Added Argument The Covid pandemic would be tolerable if people died before getting to the hospital.
3 Created Debate The Covid pandemic would be tolerable if people died before getting to the hospital.
1 Added Argument Handicap people come in handy when you're looking for a good parking spot.
3 Created Debate Handicap people come in handy when you're looking for a good parking spot.
1 Added Argument We should change the definition of the N-Word to something that is not offensive to anyone
1 Added Argument We should change the definition of the N-Word to something that is not offensive to anyone
5 Created Debate We should change the definition of the N-Word to something that is not offensive to anyone
1 Added Argument Should border patrol agents go around tasing migrants with drones?
2 Added Argument Should border patrol agents go around tasing migrants with drones?
5 Created Debate Should border patrol agents go around tasing migrants with drones?
1 Added Argument Are you a Trans Individual - I am
3 Created Debate Are you a Trans Individual - I am
1 Added Argument Every woman is a doll - prove me wrong
5 Created Debate Every woman is a doll - prove me wrong
2 Added Argument How is it that no one is arguing about the supreme court ruling on Texan abortion laws?
2 Added Argument How is it that no one is arguing about the supreme court ruling on Texan abortion laws?
5 Created Debate How is it that no one is arguing about the supreme court ruling on Texan abortion laws?
1 Added Argument live debate
1 Added Argument The reason I'm still here on CD
5 Created Debate The reason I'm still here on CD
1 Added Argument Please post here the Top 10 Things Rittenhouse's mother is going to drive him to next.
5 Created Debate Please post here the Top 10 Things Rittenhouse's mother is going to drive him to next.
1 Added Argument Idiot Leftist show how stupid they are
1 Added Argument Are there any Pregnant People who are not Women?
2 Created Debate Are there any Pregnant People who are not Women?
2 Added Argument Do you worrying about gender pronouns and cultural appropriation?
4 Created Debate Do you worrying about gender pronouns and cultural appropriation?
5 Added Argument Have you noticed that women with big boobs always seem to be smiling?
5 Created Debate Have you noticed that women with big boobs always seem to be smiling?
1 Added Argument The so-called COVID vaccines are just glorified Flu Shots - Change my mind
2 Created Debate The so-called COVID vaccines are just glorified Flu Shots - Change my mind
1 Added Argument Is the world headed for WW III??
1 Added Argument Should we just have unisex bathrooms?
1 Added Argument How to determine whether or not you are allowed to use the Mens Room

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