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lolzors93's Reward Points: 3225

Points When What Where
10 Added Argument Is Jesus the way, the truth, and the life?
1 Added Argument Is there anything that can justify god being the first cause?
1 Added Argument Is there a solution to the omnipotence paradox?
10 Added Argument Does this answer what the "higher good" is for the problem of evil?
5 Created Debate Does this answer what the "higher good" is for the problem of evil?
1 Added Argument Is Christianity a religion or a relationship?
1 Added Argument Could the alleged idea of life before birth be connected to ancient fertility cults...
1 Added Argument Say I want to join a religion (or lack there of), how would you convert me?
1 Added Argument Religious quote, your thoughts.
1 Added Argument Christians are a Threat to Society
1 Added Argument Christians are a Threat to Society
10 Added Argument Why deem something that harms no one a sin?
7 Added Argument Why Christian Woman shouldn't wear suggestive clothing
1 Added Argument sex is apart of love
5 Added Argument Morality based on the supernatural is dangerous
7 Added Argument God is a dictator, we need a better system
1 Added Argument God is a dictator, we need a better system
1 Added Argument There is no religion that compliments what we know about the world
2 Added Argument Are religious people delusional?
7 Added Argument "How God turns a French atheist into a Christian theologian"
5 Created Debate "How God turns a French atheist into a Christian theologian"
5 Added Argument Was it Jesus's DEATH that attoned for sins or the fact that he was KILLED?
1 Added Argument When did jesus find out he was the son of god?
5 Created Debate Should Phil Robertson be kicked off of Duck Dynasty?

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