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mrcatsam's Reward Points: 663

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument If you were a cop in America, would you stay or would you quit?
1 Added Argument Do black people DEMONSTRATE on REAL issues, or because they wanna grab some Jordans?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do black people DEMONSTRATE on REAL issues, or because they wanna grab some Jordans?
1 Added Argument Why do the Democrats want to dispense with compulsory identification at polling
2 Added Argument Why is lawlessness fostered on our southern border?
1 Added Argument The 'DUCK' is dead, long live the Duck.
0 Added Argument I'm all but gone from Create Debate so this is me saying so long
1 Added Argument White males are doing the mass shootings - we need white male control
1 Added Argument Bill Maher says the left is bringing back segregation. He's right
1 Added Argument Why are Americans so obsessed with Racism?
1 Added Argument Democrats call for ''Truth Commission''
1 Added Argument Democrats slammed for doctoring evidence for impeachment trial

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