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myclob's Reward Points: 437

Points When What Where
3 Added Argument Pro/Con websites should create a separate place for motivation of each side
5 Created Debate Pro/Con websites should create a separate place for motivation of each side
2 Added Argument Is Carl Sagan the greatest man to ever live?
4 Added Argument Is Carl Sagan the greatest man to ever live?
1 Added Argument Orcas In Captivity
3 Added Argument Orcas In Captivity
2 Added Argument Arguments need their own page, similar to conclusions.
4 Created Debate Arguments need their own page, similar to conclusions.
1 Added Argument The best book to explanin the potential of this website is David's Sling by Marc Stiegler
1 Added Argument should america increase its military spending
1 Added Argument American Military Spending
1 Added Argument The American Military is...

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