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myclob's Reward Points: 437

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument How do you stand on racial profiling?
4 Added Argument Should the government fund the arts?
3 Added Argument Rick Santorum is too extreme on Abortion and Gays to get elected and bad on the budget
5 Created Debate Rick Santorum is too extreme on Abortion and Gays to get elected and bad on the budget
1 Added Argument The media is liberal
1 Added Argument Mormons are members of a cult, but it would be OK for one of them to be president
2 Added Argument Mormons are members of a cult, but it would be OK for one of them to be president
5 Created Debate Mormons are members of a cult, but it would be OK for one of them to be president
10 Added Argument The media is liberal
5 Created Debate The media is liberal
5 Created Debate People should have to pass drug test to get government assistance
-1 Downvoted Argument Should we invest in colonizing the moon?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should we invest in colonizing the moon?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should we invest in colonizing the moon?
10 Added Argument Should we invest in colonizing the moon?
4 Created Debate Communist leaders knew socialism couldn't compete so they advocated killing all capitalist
3 Added Argument Has evolution been scientifically proved?
3 Created Debate Slippery slope arguments will cause the world to explode
1 Added Argument Should America have a flat tax like Russia?
4 Added Argument Should America have a flat tax like Russia?
1 Added Argument Present day, is it more important to focus on fixing the economy or the environment?
1 Added Argument Present day, is it more important to focus on fixing the economy or the environment?
10 Added Argument Would Mitt Romney be a better president than Barrack Obama.
4 Added Argument Equal Two Way Trade Agreements

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