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shoutoutloud's Reward Points: 4303

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Dear prochoicers, what would it take for you to be prolife?
2 Added Argument Do all females have the right to choose what to with their bodies?
2 Added Argument I wouldn't want my kid to be gay same as I wouldn't want them into BDSM or porn.
-1 Downvoted Argument Why are conservatives so selfish? Healthcare.
-1 Downvoted Argument Why are conservatives so selfish? Healthcare.
1 Added Argument Can liberals be prolife?
9 Added Argument Why are conservatives so selfish? Healthcare.
1 Added Argument Why are conservatives so selfish regardinhealthcare?
7 Added Argument Have you ever been in love?
1 Added Argument Should proven rapists get the death penalty?
1 Added Argument Have you ever been in love?
2 Added Argument It's very amusing watching Democrats having their temper tantrums over the people's choice

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