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sierrastruth's Reward Points: 508

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Should Smoking Be Illegal
2 Added Argument Would the World be a Better Place without Homo Sapiens (Modern Humans)
1 Added Argument What kind of bumper sticker is more annoying?
1 Added Argument Are GMO Foods the answer to solving world hunger?
5 Added Argument To anyone who genuinely voted Romney over Obama (RU4REAL?!)
6 Added Argument Lower drinking age to 16?
1 Added Argument Why I actually don't get Obama haters.
4 Added Argument Lower drinking age to 16?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why I actually don't get Obama haters.
2 Added Argument Why I actually don't get Obama haters.
1 High Rated Argument New York Mayor Banning Large Sugar Filled Drinks
-1 Downvoted Argument Why I actually don't get Obama haters.

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