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Billie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Billie's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Lol really? Well I really enjoy taking part in your debates, I find them refreshing .

1 point

Yes, I think Sunset and Joe contribute a lot to this site, and have interesting and fun things to say .

1 point

I don't hate you - it takes a lot for me to hate someone. Besides, we have some interesting discussions and we wouldn't have those if I hated you. No, I just think after all you've said blah blah (no hard feelings) that silaswash is definitely the most loved around here. You definitely are near the top though, I believe that, far more than me... obviously.

1 point

You are welcome sugarplum ;) Why are we calling each other food ?

1 point

I disagree on saurbaby - I think silaswash is the most loved, I don't know one person that dislikes him.

P.S. Joe has the most debates? I thought that would have been you or saurbaby - you create debates like every second! Lol.

1 point

Best avatar ? Worst avatar? Shit I put this on the wrong side. Oh well.

3 points

Nice guy: Silaswash!

1 point

I can imagine there are many people (atheists) that hate me here so this is why I don't doubt it personally ;)

1 point

I nominate Thewayitis for best username :)

1 point

Well all tension and differences aside, I apologize if I offended/upset you. Perhaps we should debate something that we are not so passionate about which could actually lead somewhere ?

1 point

I need to be careful when posting things about others? Explain .

2 points

Ahh right. I will have a look through his arguments and by the sounds of it will have great fun in process. I love to rip people to shreds if they rub me up the wrong way, its very satisfying somehow. I don't do it often, and have only done it once or twice if that here.

1 point

I thought you at least were feisty.

You have no idea ;)

What exactly would you like from a non-dull debater, is it someone that agrees with you, or just drops their opinion when you start flinging profanity around?

LOL, no. I respect members who respect me.

I respect those that go tet-a-tet and don't whine like a spoiled child when they don't get their way, or not go about sticking my name up in an attempt to get others to look at me negatively.

I am most certainly not a spoiled child and my intention was not to make others look at you negatively; I believe that you qualify for that award. Its all just a bunch of fun, you can nominate me for something really awful if you like, I won't take offence. How about... most irritating?

2 points

You're kidding, right? I thought if I got nominated it'd be for something horrendous LMFAO. Cheers man, appreciate it. I haven't seen much of Eliot Terabon.

1 point

Aha, so thats what it is LOL.

1 point

You haven't seen Bohemian and myself debating... I put iamdavidh first and Bohemian is runner up. I haven't seen Gary being very arrogant either and I am debating him now.

1 point

I guess thats debatable ;) Anyhow, I'm sure if I was to be nominated for something it would be for something far, far worse so your attention whoring is golden next to what I would be awarded for.

1 point

Ha ha, how about most belligerent hypocrite Billie

Although I'd have loved a shot at the most arrogant, besides this awards thing is a little bit sad.

See what I mean? LOL. Sorry I didn't slot you in for most arrogant, I have two others I want to win that one. You fit 'dullest' just perfectly ;) The awards aren't sad, and if they are then why would you "love a shot at the most arrogant"? Why would you even want to win that?

Hey quit editing your post, man!!

1 point

Really good ones that I haven't seen debaters nominated for:

Most high maintenance

Most points

Most unique

Master debater

2 points

He cut off the rest of my joke; scroll up. "Ohh, he'll really hate that... ;)". ;p If I was being arrogant, I would most likely have been serious thus wouldn't have added the part that displayes the joke "Ohh, he'll really hate that... ;)" Lol.

1 point

You are very paranoid Bohemian - you need to lighten up too. Screw what you get the award for, at least you're getting one! ;)

1 point

LOL that one went straight over the top of your head didn't it? Wow, and I like how you cut off the end of my statement which shows the joke. Really!?!

1 point

Since members are going with negative awards, I'll slot in a few nominations ;)

Biggest Attention Whore Saurbaby

Most Arrogant - EDIT - iamdavidh now gets this award. Second in line is Bohemian though ;)

Most Likely to Blame America for Everything Gary

Most Anti-Obama/Most Known Hellno

Most Hated TheTruth

Funniest/ The jokerJoeCavalry

Most Avatar Changed Sunset

The most Abusive Debater iamdavidh

The Dullest Debater Ricedaragh

Most likely to succeed Me ;) Ohh you'll hate that.

1 point

I don't agree with awards going to members who contribute in a negative way - its a complete waste of time when the award could go to someone next in the positive line.

2 points

Def agree with that list -spot on. I wonder who the biggest Obama lover is? Hellno? LOL - your name answered that itself.

1 point

Is there seriously a member that never ever logs off ? Thats a bit gay.

1 point

But surely Andy shouldn't be wasting his time on people that contribute in a negative way to CD, it just seems rather odd I guess. Whilst I see where you are coming from and that it is a fun gesture, I think the reward they were getting should go to the next-in-line positive person :-)

2 points

LOL, ok. Well, since the fight is online there isn't much in it for you as opposed to if you could 'see' it... lol .

3 points

I'm not sure why so many people believe in rewarding a negative contributor as this is almost like encouraging them to keep dulling-up the community. I really support some of your suggestions but I really don't want negative members to get an award... waits for people to start saying "well that rules you out then" hahahaha, OH WELL. lmao.

2 points

I wonder who will win that?

P.S. Does cat fight apply exclusively to females? Because technically you get male cats, but would a male fight be a dog fight? Confused much.

2 points

Most incoherent debater, The meanie

Why would the likes of these be rewarded? I think that the award should go to members who contribute in a positive way, not negative.

2 points

One that I think deserves an award is:

Most Passionate

Haven't seen that one in any of these interesting extensive lists yet.


3 points

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Since this is an international debate site, these three probably shouldn't count as there will be late nighters everywhere but just don't appear late to the ones in different countries. Good idea, but I just think it won't work.

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