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Billie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Billie's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Def agree with that list -spot on. I wonder who the biggest Obama lover is? Hellno? LOL - your name answered that itself.

1 point

Is there seriously a member that never ever logs off ? Thats a bit gay.

1 point

But surely Andy shouldn't be wasting his time on people that contribute in a negative way to CD, it just seems rather odd I guess. Whilst I see where you are coming from and that it is a fun gesture, I think the reward they were getting should go to the next-in-line positive person :-)

2 points

LOL, ok. Well, since the fight is online there isn't much in it for you as opposed to if you could 'see' it... lol .

3 points

I'm not sure why so many people believe in rewarding a negative contributor as this is almost like encouraging them to keep dulling-up the community. I really support some of your suggestions but I really don't want negative members to get an award... waits for people to start saying "well that rules you out then" hahahaha, OH WELL. lmao.

2 points

I wonder who will win that?

P.S. Does cat fight apply exclusively to females? Because technically you get male cats, but would a male fight be a dog fight? Confused much.

2 points

Most incoherent debater, The meanie

Why would the likes of these be rewarded? I think that the award should go to members who contribute in a positive way, not negative.

2 points

One that I think deserves an award is:

Most Passionate

Haven't seen that one in any of these interesting extensive lists yet.


3 points

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Since this is an international debate site, these three probably shouldn't count as there will be late nighters everywhere but just don't appear late to the ones in different countries. Good idea, but I just think it won't work.

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