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Axmeister's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Axmeister's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

This is one of my favourite arguments in the whole of CreateDebate, I am aware that it wasn't written this year and will happily have it discarded from the final results.

The guy who posted this only appeared once or twice and the argument itself is copy and pasted from another blog. However, it was one of my first glimpses of what nationalism can do to someone and the sheer, blind stupidity of the argument is what makes it humourous.

Link (The argument will be to the right by a user named 'wedispute')

My favourite quote from it: "The U.S. was never taken over by anybody. Ever. Remember World War II? Of course you don’t, you weren’t alive. Well I have the internet and I looked it up. Germany successfully invaded England and occupied London..."

Axmeister(4322) Clarified
1 point

Maybe it should be 'best debater on religion', then that includes atheists as well. It might be nice to do the same award for other subjects as well.

1 point

Was Ismalia the one who created the debate claiming that Saurbaby had made fun at her for being sexually abused by her parents?

2 points

Did anyone remember ChristJesus? He spammed the entire home page with his "fghjkl" debates to get himself over 100 points (=over 100 debates). Then Andy found out and reduced his points to -1.

That's what you get for abusing the system.

1 point

I really like the England vs USA one, as it had a lot of people involved on it and a wide range of arguments where some people used humour to get their point across and others used events in history. The only problem with it was that it was slightly ruined by subjective upvoters/downvoters.

1 point

You are correct, I've just checked the default pictures and it isn't there. I must have seen someone else use the rainbow-swastika on another website.

1 point

Isn't that one of the default avatars you can choose from?

5 points

JoeCavalry, for reasons seen above (and if this gets upvoted below).

5 points

Terminator? I'm surprised this one hasn't been suggested yet.

3 points

Theres should be categories like, most likely to be President/Prime Minister, or Most likely to be (insert occupation here).

1 point

Your not allowed to nominate yourself.

1 point

oops sorry, i must have accidentally posted the wrong link or something...

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