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Axmeister's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Axmeister's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Oh wait, thanks for reminding me.

Kamekaze, sent me a load of emails discussing how he was going to rape me.

7 points

Chuckhades, he seems to be versatile. I've seen him debate on many different sides.

5 points

That Mors777 bloke, there's something about him that get's me on my nerves...

Or Hellno2012, but my only issue with him is his spelling.

1 point

Shouldn't "Snappys" be spelt : Snappies ?

Anyway, Most deluded upbringing: Qymosabi

1 point

That's sort of what I mean, some of his arguments start very seriously and then turn into a joke.

4 points

Doesn't Garry77777 do lot's of philosophy talk?

1 point

Oh, ok then, downvote it!

1 point

What do you mean by "versatile"?

3 points


You said it first! Now you take the blame for it!

3 points

I wonder who's going to win this one... it's so obviously Joe.

2 points

Wasn't there some guy called Thethinker who used to do a lot of philosophy debates?

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