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Quocalimar's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Quocalimar's arguments, looking across every debate.

Yea I agree with you. Not only do i choose her because she's nice, but because she's respectable. You must admit it's way easier to respect someone who respects you, that's her niche on this site, being respectful.

The original person I was going to choose, I could not find, then in searching tirelessly, I rediscovered another.


2 points

No one beats Chuz. If anyone has stuck to a topic, like eggs will stick to an old pan if not properly buttered, it's Chuz.


I'm kind of biased in this regard. I have to go with zephyr. That guy just knows how to argue. I've seen him on a wide array of debates, and I've never though "what the hell are you talking about". Maybe I feel I'm the same so that could be my bias though.


I see what you did there!

4 points

Nox. We get it you're an atheist, do you have to have a war with every one who isn't though?


Lizzie, as I'm sure most will.

Will there be a least respected category. I definitely know who I'm voting for there.


2 points

Most Logical

Most Religious

Most level headed

Most Philosophical

Most Frequent user

Most often Placed on the leader Board (or top three prizes)

Most ad Revenue bringer( if that's possible)

Most interesting debate maker

Most Popular/ New/ Controversial Debate made

Most Debates made

Longest Argument writer (not including quotes)

Most likely to respond

Users who often write long paragraphs

Most often posted videos as their argument

Most often on the winning side of debate

Most voted up arguments

Most voted down argument

Best example giver

Most poetic

Just to name a few haha

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