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Srom's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Srom's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Wow I got 4 awards? I thought I would only get 3 but, I guess I got an extra award for being the biggest troll? I don't know how people think i am troll when i am never trolling but i'll take the award anyway just like the other awards i don't deserve.

2 points

Your welcome brother! May God bless you too for the rest of your life!

4 points

I have got to say that the best account graphic would probably be Silaswash.

0 points

I do know a lot about Christianity more then you know about.

Srom(12120) Clarified
3 points

Why do I get down voted for saying that I hope to get nominated in one of the reward? Seriously what is wrong with you people!

2 points

-_- Nope I don't want in on that. But I guess I will take the reward anyway even tho I don't have multiple accounts.

1 point

Yep thats for sure there will be always people who don't like you and there will be some people who like you a lot.

1 point

I don't dislike you anymore. I think your pretty cool. I used to dislike you but not anymore.

1 point

Whoops sorry .

Srom(12120) Clarified
1 point

Ok .

2 points

I hope I get nominated in some rewards and this is the first award thing for me on this site so I am looking forward to getting some kind of reward.

0 points

I know I am the most serious person on this site because I am mostly serious. Don't you agree?

1 point

I vote Mors777 as most annoying. He annoys me a lot and I don't like him 1 bit.

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