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Thewayitis's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Thewayitis's arguments, looking across every debate.
5 points

I'm shocked that no one has mentioned me yet. Haven't a clue as to why.

What makes one a superior specimen? One that believes what you do. This would be my conclusion after doing critical thinking and using logic.

I mean what I say. Do you ?

When you point at somebody, there is one finger point at them and three pointing back at you.

2 points

How smart is it to go around calling everybody stupid? Wouldn't it be smarter to just think these things instead of saying them? Putting one's foot in one's mouth worked out so well for Romney. I'm running for an elected office and I'm going to call 47% of the voters losers. Intelligence runs deep these days.

2 points

Only an idiot bases their arguments solely on insults. Try debating the issue at hand for a change. Avoiding the question only shows you have no answers.

Especially him .

I'm not a theist but i have some input on God. What God is,...

What did you do to get this insight? Have a talk with God?

5 points

ThePyg, said Dana was most annoying. Who can argue with that?

4 points

Can we have a Most Down Voted award ?

Joe is hardly a troll. If you deem a genius in is own mind a troll, then he must be. He is no doubt one of more intelligent people here or he simply has no life outside of here. Which ever and whatever you decide, he is no troll.

For some strange reason I had the urge to up-vote you.

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