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No i dont i admit my views are extreme and yes i am anti-american, i admit it, but i dont dislike the people, im anti american government and im anti american corporatism.

Now you may say i dont you and your right, but i do know the views that you've expressed on this site, i also know very well how false they are and how wrong they are.

You can call me whatever you want my opinions although they may seem extreme at times are based in reality, its just a reality your not used to hearing about.

YOur entirely correct, i was intentionally arrogant there as i was responding to your insult. Im sorry if i come across arrogant, i admit i am a little, and i know it but i dont think im the most arrogant on this site, not by a long shot. Anyway if you knew me in real life you'd know im not actually an arrogant person most of the time, in fact i am repulsed by people who are, people who use there intelligence to enhance their egos, beleive ive had enough experience with them (maybe some has rubbed off but im working on it beleive me). I come from a relatiely poor family (at least on my mothers side who had 15 brothers and sisters and no father and grew up in the Ireland of yesteryear) and i know my roots, i dont appreciate being called arrogant even though i know i can be at times. Im trying not to be and in a way im glad you pionted it out.

I know exactly what you said Hellno, BTW if you knew you'd know my spelling is far better than your own, the difference is id don't spell check and it type very fast.

I just wanted to inform you that he can be disrespectful, as he was to me.

"Give me a break, I've seen very little of that on this site"

Of course YOU'VE seen very little of it on this site, im not even going to try to explain why i said that i know you can;'t tolerate what i have to say.

"Having said that I will at least give you a little credit as Ireland is fairly neutral "

Nationality is immaterial, you've never been able to grasp this.

" listed that on the other side... Most Arrogant"

I seen it after i posted.

I think your confusing your own arrogance for mine there. You were the one who just couuldnt stand to listen to anything that was remotely against america, the second id mention some of the grave atocities your country has commited you'd blow a fuse, label a jihadist lunatic and refuse to discuss the matter further.

My nomination for:

Fanatic: Bohemian

Selfinterested: Bohemian

Most incapable of feeling emotin for the causualties of his countries illegal actions: Ya ill leave you off on this one, although i was tempted.

Not true in fact. I had a debate with him where he was very disrespectful but in fairness to him once i infromed him of it he cleaned up his act alright.

I think your partner makes a very good point, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Im sorry you feel that, i hope you realise my continued america bashing was only rally intended to dampen down the rabid american nationalism present on this site, and to provide the other side of the story (theres always two you know). Plus given that i was one of very few i felt like i had to overcompnsate. BTW if think i deserve another award id like to hear what it is.

Hmmm...i wonder who your refering to in that fifth suggestion???

Firstly, thank you for your comment, i really appreciate the nomination (and the support in general). Hellno is correct i did tell him to kill himself it was in response to a comment by him in which he stated that Isreal should be allowed to use whatever force it wants in roder to protect itslef from the palestians. I took offense to this, given the consistent disproportionate suffering endured by the palestian people, and the slow and steady genocide being perpetrated against them.

The truth is im quite cynical, not naturally, my experiences have made me that way.I didn't even want to debate Hellno at the time i just wanted to let him know how much i disagreed with his sentiment.I admit many of opinions can seem extreme, especially to those who don'thold them but they are result of seing the effects of great suffering and injustice.

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