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Billie's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Billie's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Lol really? Well I really enjoy taking part in your debates, I find them refreshing .

1 point

Yes, I think Sunset and Joe contribute a lot to this site, and have interesting and fun things to say .

1 point

I don't hate you - it takes a lot for me to hate someone. Besides, we have some interesting discussions and we wouldn't have those if I hated you. No, I just think after all you've said blah blah (no hard feelings) that silaswash is definitely the most loved around here. You definitely are near the top though, I believe that, far more than me... obviously.

1 point

You are welcome sugarplum ;) Why are we calling each other food ?

1 point

I disagree on saurbaby - I think silaswash is the most loved, I don't know one person that dislikes him.

P.S. Joe has the most debates? I thought that would have been you or saurbaby - you create debates like every second! Lol.

1 point

Best avatar ? Worst avatar? Shit I put this on the wrong side. Oh well.

3 points

Nice guy: Silaswash!

1 point

I can imagine there are many people (atheists) that hate me here so this is why I don't doubt it personally ;)

1 point

I nominate Thewayitis for best username :)

1 point

Well all tension and differences aside, I apologize if I offended/upset you. Perhaps we should debate something that we are not so passionate about which could actually lead somewhere ?

1 point

I need to be careful when posting things about others? Explain .

2 points

Ahh right. I will have a look through his arguments and by the sounds of it will have great fun in process. I love to rip people to shreds if they rub me up the wrong way, its very satisfying somehow. I don't do it often, and have only done it once or twice if that here.

1 point

I thought you at least were feisty.

You have no idea ;)

What exactly would you like from a non-dull debater, is it someone that agrees with you, or just drops their opinion when you start flinging profanity around?

LOL, no. I respect members who respect me.

I respect those that go tet-a-tet and don't whine like a spoiled child when they don't get their way, or not go about sticking my name up in an attempt to get others to look at me negatively.

I am most certainly not a spoiled child and my intention was not to make others look at you negatively; I believe that you qualify for that award. Its all just a bunch of fun, you can nominate me for something really awful if you like, I won't take offence. How about... most irritating?

2 points

You're kidding, right? I thought if I got nominated it'd be for something horrendous LMFAO. Cheers man, appreciate it. I haven't seen much of Eliot Terabon.

1 point

Aha, so thats what it is LOL.

1 point

You haven't seen Bohemian and myself debating... I put iamdavidh first and Bohemian is runner up. I haven't seen Gary being very arrogant either and I am debating him now.

1 point

I guess thats debatable ;) Anyhow, I'm sure if I was to be nominated for something it would be for something far, far worse so your attention whoring is golden next to what I would be awarded for.

1 point

Ha ha, how about most belligerent hypocrite Billie

Although I'd have loved a shot at the most arrogant, besides this awards thing is a little bit sad.

See what I mean? LOL. Sorry I didn't slot you in for most arrogant, I have two others I want to win that one. You fit 'dullest' just perfectly ;) The awards aren't sad, and if they are then why would you "love a shot at the most arrogant"? Why would you even want to win that?

Hey quit editing your post, man!!

1 point

Really good ones that I haven't seen debaters nominated for:

Most high maintenance

Most points

Most unique

Master debater

2 points

He cut off the rest of my joke; scroll up. "Ohh, he'll really hate that... ;)". ;p If I was being arrogant, I would most likely have been serious thus wouldn't have added the part that displayes the joke "Ohh, he'll really hate that... ;)" Lol.

1 point

You are very paranoid Bohemian - you need to lighten up too. Screw what you get the award for, at least you're getting one! ;)

1 point

LOL that one went straight over the top of your head didn't it? Wow, and I like how you cut off the end of my statement which shows the joke. Really!?!

1 point

Since members are going with negative awards, I'll slot in a few nominations ;)

Biggest Attention Whore Saurbaby

Most Arrogant - EDIT - iamdavidh now gets this award. Second in line is Bohemian though ;)

Most Likely to Blame America for Everything Gary

Most Anti-Obama/Most Known Hellno

Most Hated TheTruth

Funniest/ The jokerJoeCavalry

Most Avatar Changed Sunset

The most Abusive Debater iamdavidh

The Dullest Debater Ricedaragh

Most likely to succeed Me ;) Ohh you'll hate that.

1 point

I don't agree with awards going to members who contribute in a negative way - its a complete waste of time when the award could go to someone next in the positive line.

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