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Hellno's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Hellno's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

LOL! I totally change my vote to you dude! TheWayItIs for Sexiest Male Debater!

1 point

Yay! GuitaristDog for Most respected!

1 point

You forgot zombie... I'm a black zombie pirate.

1 point

True... for all you know I could be some white dude. :D

2 points

LOL! Not all.... Saurbaby, Elvira, ShoutOutLoud and Mitgag are real.

1 point

Alright people..... Lizzie and Abby are fakes so up-vote Saurbaby please... because she is a real woman.

5 points

Seems a little weird now.... doesn't it? LOL

1 point

Oh yeah! I just checked. Huh! Well I withdraw his nomination.

1 point

No... I don't think so?

1 point

Screw it! I can't believe I forgot Cartman and I've listed too many names now so.... but it is cool, that we have so many new quality people.

EDIT: Cartman ain't new... I don't know why I thought he was?

1 point

In addition to Intangible, I'd like to nominate ShoutOutLoud, Sauh and Quoc....

Dammit! And Atrag too.

1 point

Yep! Some questions don't need anything more than a yes or a no.

1 point

Fast, short and to the point.

2 points

Yes! Next question

1 point

LOL! Yes.... that's what I meant, I mean he didn't really concede to anything although he probably should concede that he isn't the sexiest male.

1 point

I completely agree with you... their behavior was uncalled for.

1 point

I get an alert in my new activity every time someone says asshole.

1 point

I resemble that remark.

1 point

Oh! Now I understand why you picked that profile picture... you wanna sit on one of those thumbs don't ya?

1 point

Russian isn't a race... how am I going to regret messing with you?

1 point

You were asking for it - check out your first post about me in this debate. There was no need to bring up my nationality.

You're Russian... that's not your race?

1 point

"incorrect" is you so don't even try to deny it RA! I've been around long enough to know fakes and who they belong to.

1 point

Hmmm? Wouldn't surprise me either but it looked real... not like the other obvious fake pics around here.

2 points

Why bring up my race at all? What's the point? My sister has down's syndrome... so now you're making fun of "retarded" people? You are a sick ass RA!

1 point

You bat-shit-crazy yo!

1 point

Woah! Now you do look crazy. Coo coo!

1 point

Another reason... he's racist. He just admitted it.

2 points

Oh! I didn't realize you were also a racist! So you're a Russian, homophobe, racist asshole.... RHRA

1 point

I love how you completely ignored the part about your fake account. LOL! You so crazy RA!

2 points

I'm not angry, I'm sometimes rude - but only to trolls like you.

Dude... you're angry so save it!

If you laugh over something, it doesn't make it a joke for others.


Nope, check my arguments on special relativity, and predicate logic.

And I don't give a fuck about gays, I'm opposed to the LGBT movement, which is turning many countries into shit.

Okay.... 95% of what you debate about is gay

Stop talking to your asshole

I'm talking to you and you are not my asshole, asshole.

BA? I'm not British

1 point

Oh please! Trying to be nice and civil RA? I ain't buyin' it. I guess can always use your new account "incorrect" to do your angry bidding. ;)

1 point

Axmeister.... I also nominate him for Most Likely to be Arrested trying to get a look at the Royal Baby.

1 point

I completely agree with Chuck but he's no longer active.

2 points

Thanks? But I don't really debate religion or lack there of so.... it's not me.

1 point

Well... I was shocked at how normal Warjin looked since I picture most of you people as freaks... so I'll go with Warjin or my bro KOPF

1 point

RA = Russian Asshole.... I'm lazy and tired of typing it out all the time.

4 points

-He's unusually angry

-Can't take a joke

-Only debates one topic, gays

-And he's an asshole

1 point

Oooohhhh.... sounds like someone is getting turned on. You want me to be your bitch, don't ya? Sorry RA, I don't swing that way.

2 points

I don't believe you... you explode over the silliest little shit.... it's pretty funny.

1 point

P.S. I only down-voted you so you couldn't edit your insane outburst. ;)

6 points

Such anger... it amuses me. The category is worst newcomer and I chose you... if you don't agree then you are free to nominate someone else.

As for "Most annoying gay parrot"... make that suggestion to Andy and if he makes it a category feel free to nominate me. I don't care... hell, I'll even up-vote ya.

1 point

No. Go to her page, it's on there somewhere.

1 point

I changed it.

2 points

No, just no.

2 points

She has posted her real pic before and posted YouTubes so there is no doubt who she really is.... plus, she's a stripper. ;)

3 points

I'll have to go with that Russian Asshole, BigOats.

5 points

I'm liking this Intangible fellow.

1 point

Someone is conceded

10 points

Saurbaby ;)

2 points

Hmmmm? Intangible!

1 point

It was giving me a headache.

1 point

That would be mine... I mean, come on. Everyone loves pirates. Everyone loves zombies... it's a win win, plus look how white my teeth are.

3 points

RandomDude, I guess... I mean, it seems obvious.

2 points

No... I could stoop to your level, but I won't. It's simply not that important to me.

2 points

Jesus, what am I? Joe? I'm not that old. ;)

2 points

You're a broken record and it's obvious to anyone that you're the one who needs to get laid and most likely never has been since you talk about it so much. Seriously Dana, grow the fuck up.

1 point

I'm an independent voter and can vote for who ever I want... that has nothing to do with me being Libertarian or not.... I saw somewhere that you were a Satanist now... change your mind much? You calling anyone else a hypocrite is a joke.

1 point

Ron Paul didn't get the nomination so I couldn't vote for him in the 2012 general, BlZNATCH! And I did vote for him in the primary... you don't know what you're talking about as usual.

1 point

Yeah... I miss Billie too, and Sunset but they've been gone so long I went with someone who left more recently.

1 point

Meh? ChuckHades was hilarious... we need more people with a sense of humor on this site.... I thought you hated ReventonRage?

1 point

I say you are not classy and your reply is "suck it".... Oh the irony.

3 points

I literally LOL'ed.

2 points

Once again you prove me right... you only voted for me because I agreed with GuitarGuy... you can't control your emotions. As for Hillary... everyone knew after W Bush that the next POTUS would be a Democrat... in the primary I voted for Hill-dog because she was the lesser of two evils. I voted for McCain in the general and still would have even if Hillary won the primary... maybe you haven't noticed but they're aren't too many viable libertarian candidates to vote for out there.

2 points

You are NOT classy.

1 point

Okay... coolio!

1 point

I will not be judged by an alcoholic "libertarian" who voted for Hillary and does not get fucked. Jesus god damn Christ, if you are gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair.

23secs ago


1 point

Yeah well guess what - America isn't the only place in this world .

That's a little snippy.

1 point

I like Lizzie but Saurbaby is MOST loved...

2 points

Go ahead... I don't care... I voted for HClinton in the primary because she was the lesser of two evils.... Barry Obama had NO EXPERIENCE and it shows... most Americans voted for him because he's BLACK!

So... How am I NOT a Libertarian again? The thing is... you don't know what a Libertarian is.

2 points

You change your views daily Dana! Should I post a debate asking if everyone agrees with me? I will... and I know everyone will agree.

1 point

Please... share my inconsistencies... I'm interested in what you think they are...

2 points

When you change your mind 180 degrees overnight, it makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about.

3 points

I know you from SH Dana... you were not a centrist on there when I first joined... you were a conservative... you were in love with William and you sucked Marie's ass... I remember it all... So don't pretend like you don't change your mind as frequently as you change your panties.... you were "Jewish" just a few days ago afterall..

1 point

I see no reason for you to get snippy? This IS an American site owned and operated by an American in the state of Illinois. If I was... lets say... on a site based in DENMARK I would make my posts based on their perspective.

0 points

I honestly think I was a centrist

Then why would you nominate yourself as most LIBERAL??? See... this is exactly what I'm talking about

1 point

Well... you're not American so I think that might be the reason for the confusion... Classical liberal I might be but today here we call crazy democrats liberals.

2 points

Two years ago you called yourself a conservative... seriously Dana... you don't know what you are. Iamdavidh is by far the biggest left wing nut job liberal on the site.

1 point

What? Wait.... in America, today, Libertarian and Liberal two VERY different things... in fact Libertarians are more likely to come from the conservatives than liberals.

1 point

WTF? I have never been accused of being a liberal? Where do you come up with that?

3 points

Iamdavidh... no contest.

2 points

Hmmm? Wasn't there a debate about Cheetos being "chips" of not? I'll say that one... (And they're NOT chips)

1 point

I like them both a lot but I have to agree.... Srom has matured a lot the past year though so I'll go with Dana even though she'll be pissed at me I'm sure... she's just way too wishy washy about everything... she's old enough that she needs to control her emotions... do the research, decide once and for all who the hell she is and then stand up for herself with confidence!

4 points

Hmmm? That's a tough one.... actually I think some of the smartness CD users are younger people (which gives me some hope in humanity)... ChuckHades, Apollo... but they're not around any more... Cynical, GuitaristDog, GuitarGuy11 are all very smart..... Damn! I can't choose so I nominate all three. ;)

1 point

Fuck it! I'll just nominate myself.... I'm at the age where you're not likely to change my mind about anything.

1 point

Jesus! I usually give this one to Garry but he's been gone so long I guess I better come up with a new choice???

3 points

ChuckHades... where has he been? I suspect someone needs to go over there and drag that bitch back here! ;)

7 points

Saurbaby... no contest. ;)

2 points

I vote for you on this one. .

2 points

Andy? Are we going to do Most Missed? Huh?

1 point

Damn gurl! Why you being such a hater?

1 point

Hell, I didn't even know I was on her chiz?

1 point

You do know these posts are called "arguments"... right?

1 point

Do you have an actual argument to make or do you just go around calling people 'haters'?

1 point



A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

If you want to have deep admiration for someone simply based on niceness... a quality (I mean... who really cares about abilities or achievements anyway O_o) Then that's acceptable, stupid but acceptable.

1 point

A friend? Okay... now you got me imagining some hot Thelma and Louise road trip kind of thing. ;)

2 points

Alabama? You didn't marry your cousin did you?

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