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Iamdavidh's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Iamdavidh's arguments, looking across every debate.
-1 points

Psh ._.

I nominate prayerfails on the basis his only economic argument is quoting the proven disfunctional austrian economic theory.

And for the record, I don't quote rhetoric. I quote consumer side economics, which got us out of the great depression and which has created jobs every month for three years after the second worst depression in U.S. history.

... plus, economics are like 1/10 of my arguments. There 100% of prayerfails so number wise it would be him should all things be equal

3 points

Most persuasive.

Most logical.

Most stubborn.


Most clueless.

Best single debate ever.

... wait. edit.

Most likely to reply to an idiots obvious attempt to use CD for some promotional or SEO use and make fun of them.

And I nominate me. But I'm likely being counter productive since they want attention. But should anyone actually accidently find whatever retarded thing they're advertising and see my comments they'll surely lose a potential customer. So I have that going.

4 points

Jesus. Someone give this kid an award. He's lonely and needs something to stare at. Here, I'm upvoting you, poor child.

1 point

Why's this a debate? Would you not just count the points?

4 points

Oh, if this isn't prayerfails I'm calling shenanigans like a boxing match.

You can be talking about the best color and he'll come up with a reason why government is surpressing the freedom of the color spectrum or some such nonesense. He actually argued traffic would be better without stop lights because stop lights are controlled by government. Goddamn stop lights! You need "free market" intersections too?

3 points

Yeah, saurbaby succeeded in her unapologetic single-minded pursuit of attention, and managed to make it positive attention somehow. A neat trick actually :p

I'm more a fan of making waves and jumping into popular debates with unpopular opinions, but that hardly leads to a lot of love, so it's gotta be saurbaby I think.

4 points

Oh geez. Unfortunately Gary7777. You can't even attempt to come to a half agreement with him. Like, I'm on his general side most of the time but if you don't go to insane extremes you're an imperialistic media-brainwashed ugly American. Koodos for sticking to his guns I guess.

1 point

Soccer I think. Long time ago though I think. Like a really, really smart kid.

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