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Jungelson's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jungelson's arguments, looking across every debate.
Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Err.... any idea when the winners are going to be announced?? I mean, there were meant to be like a month ago o.O

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Great!! Sorry I was beginning to wonder whether I was being excluded xD

Good luck with the cleanup by the way :)

1 point

OK after a week I must be missing something... Shouldn't the Sanppies have started by now..?!

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

(Psst.... Hey SOL, when's the categories comin' out..?!)

1 point

Mmm.. oh.....

1 point

Looking forward to seeing this tomorrow.

Wow, I didn't use an emoticon at the end of a sentence. Now it looks like I'm angry...

1 point

Mmmmnnn... I'm back now, so it's OK xD

1 point

(Shhh, buddy.. You're spoiling the fun....)

1 point

I'll go on a bitch rant and start being very irrational screaming " aahhhhh you're all just bigots and you;re awful people!"

1 point


Most logical arguments or Most Witty debater.

I'd like to see the latter ;)

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
2 points

Gay people

Lesbian people

Atheist people

Ethnic minorities

Pro-choice debaters

People I just tend to like

Errrr...... Thats about it ;)

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Both* ?? When did I win two..? I remember I got "most serious" last year, but i was unaware I got two....!

1 point


I'm still waiting on my shirt from last year xD

1 point

Well thanks, you made an effort, and for that i am grateful! most people just think of the word 'jungle' and spell it like that :L

1 point

Ahhh and you spelled my name right!!!!!

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Holy. it stands for holy. And this conversation is most time consuming, for what of some better words..!

1 point

Well that's me but I don't count myself as a liberal :)

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

maybe I am. maybe I am talking to a friend who has been away for a long time whilst listening to Hey Jude. maybe I am feeling rather euphoric at the moment. maybe you don't realise this..

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

No I like Jungelson. This way long lost friends can look me up. if my name was Peter Johnson, there would be thousands of them to look through. Jungelson, not too many of them! In fact I don't know any other Jungelson families in England or France, I have looked.

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

No it's Jungelson/ And that's my last name, as I said before my first name is Andrew. Andrew Philippe Francois Jungelson, I can only make it so clear..

1 point

Or, now hear me out now, or.. Bitches could start reading my fucking name right!

1 point

Oh. Oh well how too funny. My point being my name is written after everything I say. Why people still get it wrong is just...

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Ah no you misunderstand, unless that was a joke. My name, as in the name on my birth certificate is Andrew Jungelson. it's my name, not just the username on some site :L

1 point

Ok now I'm sorry I know it's programmed in to your minds that the word 'jungle' is spelled, 'LE', but my name is JungELson, not JungLEson, it's written down everywhere I comment for gods sake..

1 point

Pretty snappy, right?

3 points






1 point

I feel some people may not like mine very much. particularly if they feel very patriotic towards a country right on the east coast of the Mediterranean... Perhaps bordering Syria?? I don't know, but my picture doesn't even fit the thumbnail very well so it's a safe bet I'm out :L

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

Wait, I thought you only got a T-shirt if you reached past 5,000 points..

1 point

I appreciate the fact that for everyone who doesn't say me, it's either because they're embarrassed or because of my age, they would be shunned by everyone else. So thanks y'all!

2 points

I must nominate a person, who continuously has kept their views, never backed down, and has yet to be convinced by a fellow debater to change their views. This person is....


Lol jokes, sorry he came close but nah it's me :)

2 points

Blue/Grey I would say.

1 point

It simply looks better. People would look better walking around in it!

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