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GuitarGuy's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of GuitarGuy's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Is voting still going on? Well anyways, I'm going to go with ShoutOutLoud.

1 point

Lol wtf? Get over it. I didn't get voted for most popular either.

1 point

Do you really think you're the most popular? I forgot who you were as I was typing this!

1 point

Nah, now it's just Joe and Hellno lol.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

He was Querbert. Might want to check his last debate too. That's where he first confessed.

2 points

How about Danny2TheMax? Maybe we can just say "Lizzie and crew", since Danny's "friend" was apparently the mastermind.

1 point

Thanks, but to be honest... I don't think I want to give out my address. Not that I don't trust Andy, I just like to remain as mysterious as possible lol.

2 points

I'll let you have my shirt if I win one lol.

1 point

You're alright. You were in one of your moods when I made that argument. Don't take it personally.

1 point

Hey look! He was talking to himself right here!

1 point

All fake accounts belonging to a guy...

1 point

I subtract my vote for Lizzie.

1 point

No, not anymore... because voting for Lizzie is like voting for eight different people. So, just two.

1 point

Hasn't Cartman been a user for a few years now?

3 points

Is it just me or does winning the Snappiest Answer Snappy sound like the top prize?

1 point

I guess the more logical nomination would be Dana vs. Everybody (at one point or another).

1 point

Well... I know someone is probably going to bring it up sooner or later... so what the hell!

It's pretty obvious that I don't like Dana and she doesn't like me (and everyone else that has a differing opinion)

1 point

But you have to know when you're overdoing it. You pretty much killed your joke by thanking me.

You have much to learn young grasshopper...

1 point

Wow... that was actually a pretty good joke Srom. I'm impressed.

1 point

Easy... ummm, who are you again?

4 points

Everyone knows how oblivious you are...

5 points

Either Joe or Hellno... maybe Lizzie.

1 point

I hope everyone nominates someone other than themselves...

1 point

You could always be like Dana. She's nominated for like five awards... they aren't good ones, but they're still Snappy's!

1 point

Really? Then I guess she can be a newcomer...

I always feel like newcomers are the people with points under 1000... well, actually I was under 1000 for 3 years... but still!

1 point

So I take it that you weren't impressed by my middle finger?

1 point

Eh... BigOats is strange but I just can't get over how annoying Jc41218 or whatever his name is. Changing my vote back to Jc.

1 point

He was also became magical.

I knew you were gay for him!

2 points

Now she claims to be an independent lol.

1 point

Dude, stop with the Prodigee shit. He isn't even on this site anymore. Plus, you used them to troll everyone.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

What? Srom and Lizzie aren't newcomers!

1 point

You still haven't denied that account as being yours.

1 point

Is PrayerFails scientific? I can't remember. I'm just going to nominate him anyways.

1 point

What if that wasn't actually him? It wouldn't suprise me.

2 points

Lol you're trying to be Mr. Nice guy now?

I've personally argued with you once, I believe. You do seem like kind of a nut. In all fairness though, you may be my temporary vote until I can think of someone else.

1 point

I think my Bullshit Man graphic is fitting for this site...

2 points

BigOats. I would say Jc, but he's apparently "changed".

1 point

How many accounts did you make? Like five, right?

2 points

Unless he adds a Most Oblivious category...

1 point

HAHA! That was SO random!

5 points


4 points

Jc41218... he just keeps making troll accounts.

10 points

Probably Andy or Joe. Maybe even Dana.

4 points

Jc41218 pretty much only responds in emoticons... and then there's Joe who uses a winky face in every single one of his arguments.

2 points

Quoc made a good point. I'm gonna go with Joe.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
4 points

... including you.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
2 points

You shouldn't. 90% of the people on this site are stupid.

1 point

Why freak out? It's not like you know him personally

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
2 points

Damn... You kind of lost your shit there lol

3 points

Arguing with her isn't very satisfying. Everything seems to go over her head.

3 points

Sorry, I tend not to fall for psychotic internet girls

1 point

Don't worry. It's not like we're going to repeatedly ban you and then respond to all of your arguments afterwards.

1 point

Judge not lest you be judged.

You're like a broken record.

3 points

The fact that you are on the top of the leaderboard every week, tells me that you mainly live on your ass.

2 points

Love me or hate me, but do not be a hypocrite.

If Biggest Hypocrite were a category; you'd win.

1 point

They play around because the majority of the people on here are weird as shit. They actually debated when I first joined.

1 point

Yeah, because they are. They'd probably win a popularity contest too.

2 points

He said that he voted for her because she was the "lesser of the evils". That doesn't make him clueless. I voted for you because you ARE clueless, and each argument you make is further proof.

4 points

Warrior is extremely stubborn. So stubborn that he practically repeats himself over and over again during a debate.

4 points

Hellno, Joe, Prayerfails, and I haven't seen many of his debates but Cartman seems like he has some common sense.

1 point

Uhhh... yeah you are. You don't have any other reason to vote for him. You guys are on complete opposite sides of the scale in this category and you happen to be the one who is closest to winning.

1 point

She is definitely going to win Most Annoying. . .

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Sorry Srom. You seem like a decent dude, I just feel like a lot of this stuff goes over your head. But in all fairness, I think you are right. Dana deserves it.

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

Not inconsistencies; "inconstancies" lol.

2 points

You're just saying that because he voted for you.

2 points

Either Dana or Srom.

1 point

I've never seen you until this debate and you did drag out that age thing for a while...

GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

I just saw it before you responded. Oh well. I'm sure she'll turn that into another dragged out debate.

1 point

She looks like a kid... that's why I called her a kid to begin with. What are you, the fucking age police? Give me a break. Have you even answered the debate question?

1 point

You disputed me.

You disputed me first.

Then you said some weird shit some I responded to it

What weird shit? It couldn't have been nearly as weird as what you've been saying.

Why dont you ask her how old she is?

I seriously don't care how old she is. You're beating a dead horse. Let it go.

And did you look at my profile or something?

Uhhh... yeah.

1 point

Are you really going to argue with me about her age? She seems like a kid to me. Why are you defending her so much anyways? She's an enemy on your list.

1 point

Bro! Lay off her chiz or shit is gonna go down. . .

1 point

Well, she does have a picture of herself for her user pic and she explained how her favorite shows are cartoons. Maybe she just looks young and acts young. I'm not sure. Not trying to be offensive or anything, don't want to lose my chance at winning Most Respectful... I mean respected!

1 point

I don't hate her. You saw my vote. I just feel those people get offended easily and Lizzie has a reputation of being nice.

Who am I kidding? Lizzie is a kid and I'm sure kids voted for her. Waste of time for me to argue.

2 points

Why is everyone saying Lizzie? Sure she's nice, but this is a debate site after all. If you guys respect her debating skills above every other member on this site, then great but like Hellno has been saying, respectful and respected are two different things.

I personally respect Hellno the most. I feel like he's more "down to Earth" compared to a lot of the other members.

1 point

Dana. She's gotten too comfortable with the "Ban" option.

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