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Sitara's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sitara's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Says the teen mom. .

1 point

I was joking. Learn to take a joke. .

1 point

You are cuter. Muah! .

1 point

I love him. He is so funny. .

1 point

Thank you. I understand. :)

4 points

GuitarGuy for exposing a fake account ring. .

1 point

I have no problem with you and I get along well with people who disagree. It is not if someone disagrees, but how. I handled a disagreement last night with tolerance.

1 point

Judas. ;)

5 points

Danny2TheMax or whatever his name is. .

1 point

Saurbaby. She is actually real. .

1 point

I just heard. I am so pissed at how they did Srom. :'(

1 point

me because I piss people off. Lizzie is next, then Andy, Abby, Joe, and so on.

1 point

It was very relevent. .

1 point

Saurbaby. It fits her personality so well. ;)

2 points

Srom. He is my lil bro and he rocks. .

1 point

Ima vote for you, lil bro. .

1 point

I like your style lil bro. .

1 point

Unlike you, I have actual friends.

1 point

My friends, you bitch. .

1 point

You are not an asshole though. ;)

1 point

No. YOU will regret messing with HIM. Don't you fuck with my people.

2 points

That is so sweet. ;)

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

You did not deserve to be downvoted. .

1 point

Libertarian1. .

0 points

Abby. .

1 point

Andy. .

3 points

RandomDude. He is unusually funny. .

1 point

Me. I care too much about the issues. .

2 points

Abby for the win! She is one sexy bitch and that is a compliment. .

2 points

Thank you. ;)

-1 points

You are indeed. ;)

1 point

Hellno. Yowsa! ;)

1 point

Hellno. .

2 points

Andy. I shit you people not, he is so balanced and he is honest about the weaknesses in his and my religion. I love you, Andy!

3 points

RandomDude. .

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

They are easy to piss off. ;)

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

so THAT is why we had an issue. I say tomato, and you say tomahto. Come on over to the dark side. We have weed and cookies.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

smoke some weed, love. You need it. .

1 point

"Undude", LOL. .

1 point

Thanks. Your humor made my birthday what it is. Thank you. :)

1 point

you are also the funniest. .

2 points

RandomDude for the funniest. .

1 point

That is your right. :)

0 points

Yawn. .

1 point

That is the best that you can do? .

1 point

He is not a Christian, dude. .

0 points

Get laid soon. .

0 points

i was being sarcastic. This is exactly why the internet is bullshit. I NEVER said that i was a Satanist and Satan can go to Hell.

2 points

Prayerfails is very smart. He does not care about bullshit and lays it on the line.

1 point

that young lady is one of the few people to show kindness to me.

1 point

That means nothing to me. God is my Judge. .

0 points

Ron Paul, biznatch! He is more libertarian than you will ever be!

0 points

Actually no. I voted for you because you are a hypocrite. You are NOT a libertarian if you voted for her: not that there is anything wrong with that.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

A typo does not an illogical argument make. That fallacy is the sign of a weak argument.

2 points

Thank you my dear. In before a radical on either side bitches me out. ;)

Sitara(11080) Clarified
2 points

I am upset at people who are too dogmatic on either side. A 100% ban on abortion is bad for women, but I am only for theraputic abortion in the case of trauma to the mother, not elective abortion for any reason. Neither side will accept me. I do agree 100% on the FACTS that abortion kills a BABY who's LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION, though. The fetus is also proven scientifically t5o be a human being. The defination of a human being is someone who is a member of the human species. I challenge any state educated moron on this board to prove that the human fetus is another species. I will give them 100 dollars if they can.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
4 points

We get it, you hate abortion. Try to find a hobby. Both sides of the abortion debate are nucking futs.

1 point

No honey, I am more stubborn. ;)

1 point

Oh dear God, yes! I agree with what he said and his use of satire. .

0 points

You act like you have a crush on me or something. Tell me, do confident women scare you? I think they do.

1 point

Come on, vote for me. You know you want to. ;)

1 point

I don't care. I will say what I think and if people don't like it, tough.

-1 points

You do not know my. You do not know my life. You do not know what or who I do in my private life or why. Judge not lest you be judged.

1 point

And the same to you. I would rather die on my feet than live on my kness.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

I love Hillary. I will vote for Hillary. I am just saying if you are going to call me inconsistant, you had better be pretty damn consistant yourself or you are a hypocrites. I don't give a flying eff what people believe as long as they are conistant. Love me or hate me, but do not be a hypocrite.

1 point

Let me present my case first. He said that I am the on who is confused, yet he is a libertarian who voted for Hillary? You voted for me, but I did not judge you so your logic does not compute.

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

Not really. .

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

Yes sir. I will try. Please check your messages. .

1 point

You shall not bear false witness. I am not a Satanist. .

1 point

I am not lost. Judge not lest you be judged, sinner. .

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

I just put it there cuz I thought of George H. W Bush. .

1 point

Suck it. You are the one who started shit for no reason. .

-1 points

Hellno because he is a judgemental hypocrite who calls himself a libertarian and voted for Hillary.

1 point

I know who the fuck I am, oh "libertarian" who voted for Hillary.

1 point

Jesus H Christ, I have done not one god damn thing wrong to deserve this. I will not be judged by an alcoholic "libertarian" who voted for Hillary and does not get fucked. Jesus god damn Christ, if you are gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair.

1 point

God dammit, what is your problem? Maybe I should posot about who you voted for, Mr. Libertarian. ;)

1 point

Unlike you, I am classy enough not to post someone personal stuff in public. Check your messages. Oh, and fuck you for bringing William and Marie into this. What the fuck did I do to you? disagree? Fuck forgive me, oh divine one.

1 point

Judas. ;'(

2 points

Anyone who misses Prodigee is fuck in the head. .

1 point

I did not change my views over god damn night. YOU just were not in MY life for a while, oh divine one.

0 points

Don't EVEN get my started on YOUR inconstancies. Jesus fucking Christ, I am allowed to change my god damn views.

1 point

I was a centrist my whole life, now I am a liberal. Jesus Christ, I am tired of people telling me what I believe.

2 points

Andy because he is able to put up with us all. .

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

I am also allowed to change my mind. Smooches. ;) .

1 point

Jesus Christ! So I make a few mistakes and suddenly I do not know what I am anymore? I honestly think I was a centrist and just did not know it.

3 points

I nominate myself. .

-1 points

I nominate myself. .

Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

Oops. LOL. :)

1 point

Well bless your hearts! I made a list! ;)

1 point

Joe. ;)

1 point

I am so liberal I make Obama look like Sarah Palin. ;)

1 point

Judas. ;'(

1 point

Freedom of speech. .

2 points

I vote for myself. If I did not let sin get in the way, I would be a better person.

1 point

I agree. I am working on being a better person. .

1 point

I agree. I am working on being a better person. .

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