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CreateDebate Snappy Awards

Joecavalry's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Joecavalry's arguments, looking across every debate.

No idea but good things come to those who wait. ;)

How about a category for the kindest, gentler, troll ;)

HEY!!!! I resemble that remark ;)

Maybe you guys could get a XXX large size shirt and share it ;)

10 points

Guitarguy for taking down a fake account ring. The largest take down in cd history ;)

I had 7 feet of intestine cut out of my body so that I could enjoy a nice, juicy steak ;)

How about joe's contribution to this site or lack there of?. ;)

Srom. ;)

Well..., what are your qualifications? ;)

I don't know..., but I'll have to diss who ever wins this category ;)

I must admit..., I get a lot of mileage from dissing liberals ;)

Cartman. I personally know him. He's an engineer. That's pretty close to a rocket scientist. Are there any rocket scientists here ;)

ChuckHades ;)

Saurbaby..., wish she would come back ;)

Chuz ;)

Jungleson..., well..., he takes himself seriously ;)

I'll say LizziexLaura..., just to piss everyone else off ;)

Wait..., can you do that? Can you take your vote back? Can the people who voted for Obama take their votes back ;)

I must be a ray of sunshine ;)

PrayerFails ;)

NP ;)

There ;)

I must be loosing my touch ;)

It does make sense to pick the most points for a given year. I've been here way too long and it wouldn't be fair otherwise. However, I don't recall how many points I had last year so I don't know how many points I made this year. Oh well..., I'm not the one who has to figure it out ;)

Gasp!!! Blasphemy!!! Wait..., what? No!!! ;)

Thank you very much ;)

One category could be best Snappy Answer to a Stupid debate/argument ;)

I guess almost anyone that has responded to my debates or arguments may qualify ;)

Wow!!! That's awesome...Thanks... I needed a little pick me up this holiday season.

I can put my own name and the category I won in black marker ;)

It seems like the manufacturer already has a setup for this design so no need to change it. Plus currently there are more people on this side and I don't want to create any waves. ;)

Are you like a debateophile? I mean, do you go around saying stuff like, "Hey little girl. Wanna debate today's top news stories? Come into my van." ;)

Did anyone ask chuck how much wood he could chuck if he could chuck wood ;);=medium

LeRoyJames .

LeRoyJames .

No..., that's pretty much standard fare ;)

Silaswash .

srom .

Sunset .

saurbaby .

Jungleson .

Andy .

Prayerfails .

Gary77777 .

Aren't you up for multiple accounts or something ;)

Did you already get yours? Let me check again..., maybe mine arrived while I was typing you ;)

I'm negotiating for the release of my picture. It's being held hostage. Oh, the drama ;)

And I'm willing to watch...., for the same reasons...., of course ;)

Make it a video with you wearing it AND doing the moon walk ;)

Maybe if it was wet ;)


I hope Peekaboo can wear the t-shirt and still remain invisible (may I be forgiven for my past transgressions ;)

Reference: CD_Awards_2011_and_the_winners_are#arg185163

I'd like to thank all the little people that made this possible.... ;)

Oh..., sorry...., I didn't see you standing there ;)

I think that peekaboo should donate a large sum of money towards building an Intensive Care Unit (I.C.U.) at a hospital of her choice and have it named after her, "peekaboo I.C.U." ;)

10 points

Category: Sexiest Profile Picture

Nominee: Sunset

Reason: She consistently has the Sexiest Profile Picture ;)

Supporting Evidence: picture (

So is this thing finalized or what ?

The old establishment has polo shirts with the CD logo on the left breast pocket (instead of the usual crocodile ;).

Huh...., I was talking about a chocolate bar. ;)

Should we have a best boobs award (real or fake) ?

What should the award be ?

Maybe a Hot Wheels car...., just so that he can say that he's giving away a car ;)

Wanna add Drama Queen ;)

And what should the award be ?

Award: You can give away 100 Grand:

How about most allies ?

The Multiple Personality Award could go to the one with the most fake accounts.

The Bipolar Award could go to either the one with the most flip flops (on opinion) on a given topic or to the one who has a house on both poles (North and South).

Most articulate.

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Biggest boobs (real or fake)

Nerd/Geek (most research and links supporting their point of view)

Fanatic (refuses to change his mind and refuses to change the subject)

Best icon/avatar/picture

Most PC (Politically Correct)

of course, we could also have the least PC, etc.

And my all time favorite.... wait for it..... most smileys ;)

I nominate myself for most smileys ;)

How about most allies ?

The Multiple Personality Award could go to the one with the most fake accounts.

The Bipolar Award could go to either the one with the most flip flops (on opinion) on a given topic or to the one who has a house on both poles (North and South).

Most articulate.

Early riser (posts first thing in the morning)

Late nighter (posts late at night)

All nighter (never logs off)

Biggest boobs (real or fake)

Nerd/Geek (most research and links supporting their point of view)

Fanatic (refuses to change his mind and refuses to change the subject)

Best icon/avatar/picture

Most PC (Politically Correct)

of course, we could also have the least PC, etc.

And my all time favorite.... wait for it..... most smileys ;)

When do I give my speech? I would like to thanks my mom for this award. She could have aborted me but she held on to hope that I'd grow up to be a descent person instead of the person she warned me about. I also would like to thank... wait.... are we just in the nomination stage?!?! I'm so embarrassed :)

Hey, can I show a baby picture of me and my siblings?

Results Per Page: [12] [24] [48] [96]